Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Senses Fail - If There Is Light, It Will Find You (Demos)

Download (Cassette Rip) (backup) | YouTube

1. Double Cross (Demo)
2. Elevator to the Gallows (Demo)
3. New Jersey Makes, The World Takes (Demo)
4. Gold Jacket, Green Jacket... (Demo)
5. First Breath, Last Breath (Demo)
6. Ancient Gods (Demo)
7. Is It Gonna Be the Year? (Demo)
8. "You Get So Alone At Times That It Just Makes Sense" (Demo)
9. Orlando and a Miscarriage (Demo)
10. Shaking Hands (Demo)
11. Stay What You Are (Demo)
12. If There Is Light, It Will Find You (Demo)
13. Penny Party
14. Total Mess

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